Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Devil...

The Devil isn't evil. He doesn't tempt you just to break you. He doesn't live in a prison and feed off the misery of others. He's not a fallen angel and he's not an usurper. He's not your stupid vices, he's not an excuse that you use for them. He's not the alarm clock that wakes you in the morning. He's not the bet that you lost a fortune on.

The Devil is a scapegoat. He's the poster-child for negativity. Because he was smart? Because he has a heart and a mind? I think the Devil loves humanity more than our maker does, though he does so with great reluctance. I think the Devil is responsible for inspiration and science. Fact. The Devil isn't a liar or a coward. He'll face you if you need him to and he'll prove himself when you call him out.

The Devil isn't cruel, he's just honest. And he isn't lonely, he's just in the wrong crowd. He doesn't sit around and watch daytime television and he doesn't take the lives of the people that you love. He's not your dysfunctional family or your father that left you for dead.

The Devil doesn't bribe you with eternal life or happiness. He simply begs for you to think for yourself. Since when has he told you to kill? To rape? To steal? Don't let the drugs do the talking and don't leave bruises on your lovers. Don't starve for days and not write a goddamn thing. Don't crash your car drunk head on into another one. Don't buy into the beliefs that other people feed you. You'll swell with regret. With disdain. With disbelief. Because the closer you come to being perfect the easier it is to break.

So don't break.

Don't be consumed with lust but love as you will. Don't have your feet nailed to the floor where you live and don't bleed throuh the floorboards. Don't break your back holding up the things and people and beliefs that you're supposed to but overwhelm you. Instead have your own. Run at your own pace. The Devil isn't impure. The Devil isn't evil. The Devil isn't corrupt. He's not a puppet master pulling your strings.

He's a beautiful song. He's love. True love.

He's an alcoholic. Yes, the Devil has problems too.

I think I am the Devil.