Monday, March 30, 2009

Just one more drink please?

I need an old beat up guitar
In an old beat up guitar case
And an old beat up notebook
To get this out of my heart
I need some minor sevenths
And some major ninths just
To say what it means to me
To grow up just like a tree

And someday boy, you'll touch the sky
Just keep reaching, don't ever grow tired
These weights around your ankles won't
Hold you for long, just sing you a song

Today I woke up with this
Bad taste in my mouth that I
Got from a night on the town
With my terrible company
I got out of bed and I put on
My jeans from the night before
Wrinkled in the opposite
Corner away from my bed

And I walked to the city square
Bought myself a newspaper and
Began to read again but the only
News these days is bad news

So I left it behind
On a coffee shop table
Made my way home
And crawled back in bed

Today just isn't my day.
And neither was yesterday
But I'm making recovery
Just one more drink please
To sing me to sleep tonight
I'll wake up tomorrow and
Make something of myself
I promise tomorrow will be

My day.
It's gonna be a
Good day.
Just give me some
Good news
And I'll alright soon.

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